Becoming an Eastlight shareholder

We have around 4,500 resident shareholders who are invited to Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and vote on resolutions, including for Board members and who our auditors should be.

Two elderly women are sat on a sofa. They are both holding a mug and are laughing.
What does it mean to be a shareholder?

Shareholders must, at all times, act in the interests of Eastlight and for the benefit of the community as guardians of the objectives of Eastlight.

Shareholders formally carry out their role through their involvement at Annual and Special General Meetings where they receive performance information, ask questions and vote on formal resolutions.

Typical activities at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) include:

  • Receiving an annual report on the performance of Eastlight and our community empowerment work
  • The appointment of the auditors
  • The election of Board members

Many shareholders become involved with Eastlight in other ways – from being a member of our Customer Influence Committee or the Board, to helping develop new ways of working, sitting on procurement panels or just providing feedback.

If you are interested in other opportunities to be involved see our Volunteer page.

Who can become a shareholder?

All tenants who hold a full Assured Tenancy Agreement, all leaseholders, all shared owners and all Board members may apply to become a shareholder

Find out more by reading our Shareholding Membership Policy.

Apply to become a shareholder

Eastlight will process the information you have provided to check your eligibility to become a shareholder of Eastlight Community Homes.

If your application is successful, we may provide your information to our printing contractors, who collate our invitations for our Annual General Meeting.