Aids & Adaptations

It is important that you feel safe, secure and independent in your home. To help ensure this, we can make changes, known as adaptations, so life is easier for you. These range from minor adaptations, such as handrails, to major adaptations, such as creating wheelchair-accessible spaces.

Eastlight resident standing by a shower
From Friday, 31 May, all stairlift and through floor lift safety checks and repairs will be completed by Mountfield Services.

The process for booking repairs remains the same, so please contact us directly on 0330 128 0330 to book a repair.

Mountfield Services will contact you to arrange an appointment for your annual safety check when it is due.

Common minor home adaptations include:

Grab rails

Grab rails are usually placed near a bath or toilet.


Handrails make stairs and steps safer to use.

Lever taps

Lever taps make it easier to turn taps on and off.

Alert devices

Alert devices include fire alarms, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Visibility improvements

These include changing the type of lighting, upgrading home access or improving heating or surface finishes.

We aim to complete minor adaptations within 28 days of receiving the necessary documents.

Common major home adaptations include:

Stair lifts

If you have mobility issues and struggle with the stairs in your home, a stair lift can make a big difference by helping you to access more areas of your home safely.


Mechanical hoists can help move someone from one position to another, for example, to help get you in and out of bed.

Level-access showers

A level-access shower area has no step or lip, making it safer and easier to get in and out if you have mobility issues.

Complex ramping

If you use a wheelchair or other mobility support, a ramp can give you improved access to different levels in your home or building. This means you can access more areas of your home with confidence.

Wheelchair-accessible spaces

Accessible spaces specifically for wheelchair users can be created within your home.

These kinds of home improvements often involve structural changes to your home or building. This means we’ll also carry out an asbestos survey if we don’t already have one on file for your home.

Who can apply?

If you’re an Eastlight tenant, you can request aids and adaptations for yourself or a partner or immediate family member living in your home, or someone you know can do it on your behalf.

If you’re a leaseholder or shared owner, please contact us before making any alterations to your home.

How do I apply?

Please complete the form below, or click here to contact us. We'll aim to get back to you within two weeks.

We'll then arrange for our inhouse occupational therapist to visit you and identify any adaptations you may need. Any minor adaptations required will then be carried out at a mutually convenient time.

Disabled Facilities Grant for major adaptations

You can apply to your local authority for a means-tested grant (Disabled Facilities Grant) to help with the cost of making major adaptations in your home. If you’re successful, the adaptations will be made in line with the recommendations from the occupational therapist.

We can liaise with your local council to support you in this process.

Is there anyone else that can help me?

You are free to approach Adult Social Care yourself, at any time, to discuss your care and support needs.

For further advice and information about home aids and adaptations, please contact us.

Contact us

If you have any questions about your own application or on application on behalf of someone else, please contact us. We are here for you.

Staff member speaking on the phone

Aids and Adaptations Form

I understand that my information will only be used in accordance with Eastlight Community Homes Ltd Privacy Policy available at I understand that any consent by me to share my information given in this statement can be revoked at any time by contacting the Customer Services Team on 0330 128 0330.

Eastlight will process the information you have provided to assess your request for adaptation. This information will be passed on to an independent occupational therapist who will make recommendations based on your needs. If the recommendations don’t fall within our remit your application may be passed to the local authority to be considered for a Disabled Facilities Grant.