Get involved!

Eastlight residents know better than anyone what they need to be safe and happy in their homes and communities. We provide a range of opportunities for residents to shape Eastlight and our communities for the better.

A man in an Eastlight t-shirt looking very happy
Active Residents' Network

The network is a group of Eastlight residents who are committed to introducing positive change within their community.

We recognise that you understand your homes and communities better than anyone.

The Active Resident Network has been created because we want to work with anyone willing to share their expertise and passion to improve your homes, services and communities.

Network members receive regular newsletters unveiling the latest opportunities, including:

  • Taking part in opportunities, in person and online, to work with Eastlight staff to shape the services you are passionate about
  • Making a difference in your community through our volunteer Eastlight Residents Groups
  • Learning about Eastlight and the housing sector through our Resident Academy
  • Applying for paid roles, like our resident-led Customer Influence Committee.

To join, fill in the short form below.

Resident Academy

The Resident Academy was created to give residents the knowledge to empower them to get involved with governance structures like the Customer Influence Committee and the Board.

Our online Resident Academy offers a variety of fascinating virtual courses to complete in your own time.

We are also planning Resident Academy events to provide training on a variety of topics to give you the information you need to be involved, whether with Eastlight or within your wider community.

Join the Resident Academy here

Eastlight Residents Group

Our Eastlight Residents Groups are made up of volunteers with the power and funding to introduce real improvements to the communities they call home. 

We are looking to expand the number of groups we have.

They meet monthly and they have the opportunity to identify improvements needed in their local area.

Community Voices

We have Community Voices in many of our neighbourhoods, who each help to pass your views about your homes and housing service onto Eastlight. 

You are a communication bridge to pass on information and express residents’ interests, needs and concerns.

Task and Finish Groups

Joining a Task and Finish Group gives you the opportunity to work on a specific project relating to your homes and housing service for a short period of time, whilst learning new skills and increasing your employability.

To get updates on future groups, please join the Active Residents' Network!

Customer Influence Committee

Our renumerated Customer Influence Committee oversees and supports the Board so that the Eastlight residents influence decision-making.

By using insight and data and reflecting a wide variety of resident views, the Committee directly connects customer voice to the top of our organisation and across the wider sector.

The Committee is made up of between six and ten customers appointed by the Board.

You can meet them here.

Apply to volunteer with Eastlight

Let us know which role is right for you.