Tenant Satisfaction Measure resident survey results

These results, for April 2023 - March 2024, measure how tenants feel about the homes and services we provide. To find out what we are doing to increase satisfaction, please select the i button. Updated sector benchmarks were provided by Housemark in June 2024.

Sector benchmark: 69.4%


I'm satisfied with Eastlight overall

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Resident satisfaction with Eastlight has fallen in recent years, and we are currently failing to meet the expectations of too many residents.

We have launched our new corporate strategy, which outlines how we plan to develop our services so that they meet your needs and expectations.

You can read it here.

Sector benchmark: 70.4%


I'm satisfied with repairs

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

We have introduced a range of improvements to your repairs service which have reduced waiting times by two weeks.

Listening to your feedback, we have introduced patch-based working, which should further reduce waits, and will shortly launch our Repairs Pledge to you.

Book a repair here

Sector average: 66.4%


I'm satisfied with the time taken to complete my repair

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

We have introduced a range of improvements to your repairs service which have reduced waiting times by two weeks.

Listening to your feedback, we have introduced patch-based working, which should further reduce waits, and will shortly launch our Repairs Pledge to you.

Book a repair here

Sector benchmark: 69.4%


My home is well maintained

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 76.1%


I'm satisfied my home is safe

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark 58.9%


Eastlight listens to my views and acts on them

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

If you would like to work with Eastlight's teams to shape the services that matter to you, then join our Active Residents' Network!

Volunteers get regular invites to share their expertise and passion in a variety of ways to help shape Eastlight for the better.

Sign up here

Sector average: 69.5%


Eastlight keeps me informed about things that matter to me

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

For more information about Eastlight's activities and services, please read the Shine resident magazine.

Read Shine magazine

You can also join the 2,500 people who follow Eastlight's Facebook page, which is regularly updated.

Visit Eastlight's Facebook page

Sector benchmark: 76.3%


Eastlight treats me fairly and with respect

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

We are completing Customer Service training for all Eastlight staff to ensure we treat you fairly and respectfully.

We are also inviting disabled residents to share their experiences of Eastlight, so we can provide accessible services you want and need.

Please contact us to register your interest

Sector benchmark: 33.8%


I'm satisfied with Eastlight's approach to handling complaints

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

You have told us that we are often too slow to respond to your complaints and that sometimes, you are not happy with the response when it arrives.

We have created a Customer Experience Team of specialists who will be your point of contact when you make a complaint.

They will work with you and colleagues at Eastlight to fully understand your issues and find the best solution.

Make a complaint by visiting this page.

Sector benchmark: 65.5%


I'm satisfied Eastlight keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Our teams and contractors are here to keep your estates safe, clean and tidy.

Please contact us if you have any concerns about communal areas and public spaces we manage.

Visit our estates page to find out more



Sector benchmark: 62.5%


Eastlight makes a positive contribution to my neighbourhood

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Our teams and contractors are here to keep your estates safe, clean and tidy.

Please contact us if you have any concerns about communal areas and public spaces we manage.

Visit our estates page to find out more


Sector benchmark: 57.0%


I'm satisfied with Eastlight's approach to handling anti-social behaviour

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

We recognise the impact that anti-social behaviour (ASB) can have on the lives of our residents and the importance of tackling it effectively.

If you're having issues with ASB, please report it to us using the link below.

Report Anti-Social Behaviour here

What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)?

Are you happy with Eastlight? Does our repairs service meet your needs? Do you feel safe at home? Do we listen to you?

Every month, these questions and more are posed to residents on our behalf by an organisation called TLF Research. The results, which are called Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), show where you are happy with the homes and services we provide - and where we need to make improvements.

All housing associations like Eastlight must report these to the Regulator of Social Housing, which in April 2024 received more powers to ensure landlords meet the needs of their residents.

Why should I complete a Tenant Satisfaction Measure survey?

You know better than anyone what you need to be safe and happy in your home, and these surveys are one opportunity to tell us whether we are meeting your expectations.

We will use your feedback to identify where we need to make improvements and introduce them.

How are Tenant Satisfaction Measure results collected?

Every month, an organisation called TLF Research will contact a sample of Eastlight residents to ask them to complete a survey about our services.

It will include a variety of questions ranging from the type of services you receive to the way we communicate with you.

You may be contacted either by phone - with a phone number beginning in 01484 - or by email to take part, and it shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to complete.

All residents who are contacted can complete the survey anonymously if they wish, and you do not have to take part if you do not want to.

Other TSMs, such as how often we complete repairs on time and whether your homes meet the Decent Homes standard, are collected by us.

How were Tenant Satisfaction Measure results collected in 2023/24?

Every three months, an organisation called TLF Research contacted a sample of Eastlight residents to ask them to complete a survey about our services.

It included a variety of questions ranging from the type of services you receive to the way we communicate with you. You can see our questionnaire from 2023/24 by clicking this link.

In 2023/24, we surveyed 1,384 Eastlight residents. We spoke to a representative sample to ensure the views of tenants, leaseholders and shareholders living in towns and villages across our operational area were appropriately represented.

The results published on this page are of the 1,062 tenants surveyed.

Most surveys were completed over the phone. We also used web surveys and sent Postal Surveys to residents if we had no other contact details for them.

Who are TLF Research and why are they contacting me?

We have partnered with TLF Research to collect Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM) survey results on our behalf.

TLF Research are members of the Market Research Society and are fully compliant with Data Protection Laws.

Some resident contact information has been shared with TLF Research only for the use of this survey to invite residents to take part.

TLF Research does not share any data with any other organisations.

Click here to visit TLF's website.

Tenant Satisfaction Measure management indicator results

These Tenant Satisfaction Measures are collected using information held by Eastlight. Comparative figures are not yet available, but will be published when they are.

Sector benchmark: 39.7


Stage One complaints per 1,000 homes

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 5.3


Stage Two complaints per 1,000 homes

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 83.3%


Stage One complaints responded to within complaint handling code timescales

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 83.3%


Stage Two complaints responded to within complaint handling code timescales

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 0.31%


Homes not meeting Decent Homes Standard

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 81.5%


Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 94.8%


Emergency repairs completed within target timescale

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 99.97%


Gas safety checks completed

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 100%


Asbestos and Water safety checks completed

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 100%


Fire Safety checks completed

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 100%


Lift safety checks completed

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

Sector benchmark: 38.6


Anti-social behaviour cases per 1,000 homes

Last Updated: 25 June 2024

0.5 cases per 1,000 homes involved hate incidents. The sector benchmark is 0.7 cases per 1,000 homes.