Our neighbourhoods are full of potential, but fulfilling that potential requires your help. From organising community clean-ups to advocating for better local services, the groups can help to transform your areas and create positive change. A group of Eastlight residents are involved in creating a new online portal to replace My Eastlight. The new online system will provide a range of services at the touch of a button, including managing your rent account and updating your personal details.
What do the groups do?
At quarterly meetings, you can:
- Agree where in your community needs some attention, and take part in a walkabout with Eastlight staff to identify potential improvements
- Use funding allocated to each group to pay for these improvements
- Invite Eastlight staff to update on what they are doing to tackle any issues in your community
- Get the latest updates about what’s happening at Eastlight and opportunities to get involved.
So, if you’re passionate about making a positive difference in your neighbourhood, why not get involved? Whether you’re a long-time resident or new to the area, your involvement can have a lasting impact no matter your background or experience.
Eastlight resident and Braintree group member, Robert Yates, said:
“I’m very passionate about getting involved with Eastlight and I’d encourage other residents to get involved too. The ERGs are a chance for you to have a say on what’s happening in your neighbourhood, make the changes you want to see, and have your voice heard.
“Being a part of the ERG gives me a great sense of achievement and I already have a few things I want to put forward to the group and a couple of projects in the community that I want Eastlight to support too.
“Together, as a group, the ERGs can make a difference to your community.”