As residents on the Committee, we work to make sure your voice is heard and that it leads to lasting improvements for you, your families, neighbourhoods and communities. The Committee has been rather busy lately, helping residents and teams at Eastlight to make sure you get the services and support you want and need, driving real change!
In recent months, we’ve:
- Scrutinised policies to ensure you remain at the heart of Eastlight – including around complaints, compensation, empty homes and domestic abuse
- Helped to shape our Resident Engagement & Community Empowerment Strategy to ensure Eastlight’s activities directly benefits residents
- Contributed to our Shareholding offer (see more here), with more work still ongoing
- Focused on improving services for different minority groups, including disabilities. We recently launched our British Sign Language (BSL) for our deaf and hard-of-hearing residents
- Ran the rule over this year’s Annual Report for Customers – which you can expect to see over the coming weeks. Keep an eye out!
So what's coming up?
In the coming months, we’ll be carrying out a deep dive into hate crime in our communities and focusing on how Eastlight can meet your service and communications needs, regardless of your personal situation. We’ll also be building more links with other involved residents, including members of the Active Residents Network.
Exciting times are ahead of us! We’ll make sure to keep you posted along the way.